Amanano Rural Bank

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Amanano Rural Bank

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Agric Loan


The Agric Loan is designed specifically for farmers, agribusinesses, and other agricultural stakeholders to finance agricultural activities such as planting, harvesting, and purchasing farm equipment. It aims to empower rural farmers to improve their productivity and profitability.

Features of Agric Loan

Seasonal Repayment Plans

Repayment schedules are tailored to match the farming seasons, ensuring farmers can repay the loan after harvest or during periods of high revenue.

Low Interest Rates

The Agric Loan offers reduced interest rates to support the agricultural sector and encourage rural development.

Flexible Loan Amounts

Farmers and agribusinesses can borrow amounts that reflect their specific needs—whether it’s for buying seeds, fertilizers, machinery, or expanding operations.

Training and Advisory Services

Amanano Rural Bank may provide additional support in the form of agricultural training and advice, helping borrowers maximize their loan usage.

Boosts Agricultural Productivity

The Agric Loan helps farmers increase their output by financing essential inputs like equipment, seeds, and fertilizers.